Serafin Santiago Jr." />

My name is Serafin Santiago Jr, and I am the Editor-in-Chief of The Bridge. Since joining this newspaper, I have been privileged to work alongside some fine young reporters. They have exhibited some of the principles, morals, ethics and integrity that reporters need in the ever changing field of Journalism. The entire advising team sees so much possibility in them, and I can’t express how proud I am of them for their efforts and their maturity.

The Bridge is an outlet that provides these students with endless opportunities. They hone themselves on these pages, and perfect their work as much as humanly possible. As their Editor, I ask them to extract the best of themselves and to showcase their capabilities whenever possible. They all are driven, have tenacity, and their own personal flair. I believe it is very safe to assume that without them, The Bridge would cease to exist were it not for their efforts.

While our staff is small, they are very capable. With roughly 7 staff members, we have managed to produce a quality publication that brings news directly to the students, faculty and staff. Yet this letter does more than regale in these students that have sacrificed time and effort. I come to you, the reader, to ask of you something of great importance…

This paper is meant to represent the students. It is a tool to be used by those who feel the need to bring to the forefront an issue that is important to them, and to you. We can only advocate for those who are willing to participate in the growth and maturity of this publication. So our doors are open to you, the student body. We welcome what

you have to offer through the written word. Our office, and this newspaper, needs an injection of fresh perspectives that will carry the right kind of discourse throughout the campus. We want people dedicated to the belief that the 1st Amendment is the most important law of the land, and will exercise that right with the utmost respect to oneself along with students alike.

This is your newspaper. Use it for what it can provide you and your fellow classmates. We cannot allow this valuable instrument to fall by the wayside. We have suffered the loss of the radio station, which needs to be brought back. I would hate to have this tradition of a student run newspaper, one that follows LaGuardia Community College’s lifespan, to go out in the same fashion. It is up to you, the students, to keep this aspect of campus life afloat. Therefore, I am sending out an all-points bulletin: Writers of all majors on campus, YOU ARE NEEDED! Creative Writers, Business Majors, Nursing, Theater and Communications students. . . YOU ARE ALL WELCOME!!!

Take part in not only bringing the news and stories that interest you and others, but relish in the fact that you will become a publicized writer. To your credit, that will be something that could benefit you in many ways, and for many years to come. You’ll become an integral part of the student body, being a productive member of the college, and taking a step in preparing yourselves for opportunities that await you beyond the doors of LAGCC.

How to join is simple: The Bridge’s office is located in Room 166F, right across from the entrance to the cafeteria in the M Building. We

have meetings on Wednesdays between 1pm and 2 pm. If you can’t make a meeting, then drop us an email at: We can supply you with answers to your questions as soon as possible. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you’re not sure about anything. Once you join the staff, we’ll invite you to also join our Facebook group page, and the group messenger. There we can share ideas and post journalism related material. Pretty soon you can begin to showcase your articles with your own byline to everyone. Trust me when I tell you that there is no way to describe the feeling of seeing your name and article published in a newspaper. It is an accomplishment that everyone who has experienced it will never forget.

In closing, don’t hesitate to use what is available to you to enact the changes that you want, and bring issues up for discussion. You have a wealth of power at your fingertips. Use this platform for what it’s meant to be: Your voice.

I want to thank all of those who have supported this endeavor. From students, staff and faculty alike, your words of encouragement and guidance are what keep us going at times.

Be ready, LaGuardia students! Come January, we will be introducing a brand new aspect to our student journalists and readers: The Bridge Online. Details to come! Till then, I wish you all nothing but the best of luck in all that you do, and wish to accomplish!

Serafin Santiago Jr

